Thursday, May 3, 2012

Erectile dysfunction solutions

There exist a number of erectile dysfunction solutions. To be sure that you will not do harm for yourself the best way to act is to make an appointment with your doctor. He is the best person who will advise you the best cure from numerous erectile dysfunction solutions. He will choose that one which is most suitable exactly for you.
Frankly speaking changes in the style of your life may be the best erectile dysfunction solutions. Of course it may be rather hard to change something or even refuse from some habits, but it is worth it. Good sexual life is closely connected with smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. To be in a better form with the partner it is helpful to exercise. If you are a bit overweight it is good for the health to get rid from several kilograms. These erectile dysfunction solutions may be the key to your healthy life.
As it was already mentioned it is always better to consult a doctor. Counseling is an integral part of the erectile dysfunction treatment. This will not bring you any harm in any case but may give you a lot of information and advices about your condition. If our doctor decides that you need to consult another specialist he will recommend you the person who may help you. This specialist may be even psychologist as not all health problems are connected with physical state of the organism. In some case the seed of the truth may be hidden deep in your consciousness. Among erectile dysfunction solutions oral tablets are rather popular. Shortening of drinking alcohol is the main condition that is required because it may delay the results of oral tablets treatment. But before taking tablets you should know about some side effects such as headache, indigestion, flushing, pounding, heartbeat, nausea, nasal congestion, effects on vision, dizziness, back pain, muscle aches, abdominal pain. These are only possible effects. It is not the universal truth that you will experience them. 

Erectile dysfunction injections

Erectile dysfunction injections are also possible way of treatment. They are usually prescribed by the doctor in the case he thinks it is the most suitable way to overcome the problem. The place of injections is on the male sexual organ. The time of making such injections is usually just before your intimate plays. They (injections) work approximately 5–15 minutes after administration which helps males to produce the erection. But if you feel some pain in the penis or burning it is important to tell your doctor about this. These side effects may appear especially after long-term usage. In this case it is better to consult the doctor and maybe choose another way of treatment this condition. 

Erectile dysfunction exercises

Erectile dysfunction exercises are considered to be the first line of defense of the organism in treating this condition. Pelvic floor exercises are the most widely spread ones among different types of exercises which help to reduce the problem and enjoy healthy life. Here is the description of one common exercise. You should tighten the muscles around anus and urethra, then count to five and relax. Make this 8-10 times with 10 seconds for relax each time. Repeat it five times a day.

Vitamins for erectile dysfunction

There are some core vitamins for erectile dysfunction: vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamin), a form of vitamin B3 known as inositol hexaniacinate, vitamin C and E. Such minerals and amino acids as Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium and L-arginine are also important for healthy life.